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01892 665530
01892 663186
Sterling Industrial Doors for...
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Sterling Industrial Doors for commercial doors...
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Sterling Maintenance Ltd for top quality work...
...and the highest level of customer satisfaction.

PVC Strip Curtains

PVC strip curtains for building entrances, internal openings, doorways, cold rooms.

Providing reduction in heat loss, temperature control, reducing draughts, dust, fumes or noise and bird & insect control.

Can be fitted internally or externally and suspended from top hanging rails with strip sizes and overlaps adjusted to suit opening dimensions and usage.

Clear strips in smooth or anti-scuff ribbed finish, coloured strips and low temperature grade options available.

Top hanging system is generally a stainless steel finger rail with corresponding plates fixed to each strip to allow simple replacement of damaged strips, removals or alterations.

Single or bi-parting sliding curtains can be fitted to allow clear access for movement of light goods or vehicles and can be manual or electrically operated.

Technical Information

Product Guide

For all enquiries for industrial roller shutters in Sussex, Surrey, Kent and across South East England, call Sterling Industrial Doors on 01892 66553001892 663186 or contact us here.

Sterling Industrial Doors

Registered Address: Archer House | Britland Estate | Northbourne Road | Eastbourne | East Sussex | BN22 8PW
Head Office: The Old Stables | Hendal Farm | Cherry Gardens Hill | Groombridge | East Sussex | TN3 9NU

01892 665530
01892 663186

Sterling Maintenance Ltd trading as Sterling Industrial Doors
Company Number: 2746125 | VAT Number: 583 9482 88

Industrial Doors | Roller Shutters | Security Doors | Security Shutters | Steel Doors | Door Repairs | Door Maintenance
Garage Doors | Personnel Doors | Commercial Doors Grilles | Sectional Doors | Concertina Doors | Security

Brighton | Crawley | Crowborough | Eastbourne | Hastings
Haywards Heath | Maidstone | Redhill | Reigate | Tunbridge Wells | Uckfield
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